Why Choose TPTC? | What Our Community Says

Why Choose TPTC? | What Our Community Says

We’re so proud to say that over the years, we’ve built up a strong community of teachers and school staff and we’re always listening to what they have to say. Whether it’s in our Facebook group, or comments on our TikTok, or personal emails, we love to hear your feedback and ideas so we can always do our best to make products that suit you. Today we wanted to share some of the feedback we get from our community, and some of the reasons you choose our planners, notebooks, and stationery. A big thank you to our community and we hope you are enjoying our month of new cover reveals!

Designed by Teachers for Teachers

Something we’re so pleased that we hear a lot is that our planners are super useful, specifically to teachers and school staff. There are lots of planners out there, but we’ve packed in a lot of teaching-specific pages that are really focused on the work that a teacher does and helping to organise and manage this workload.

Zara pointed out that our teacher planner gives you everything you need all in one place, from long term planning to record keeping. Emily says that our planners helped to improve her workload, and we love that she finds the advice we share on TikTok helpful! We love the way Ruth puts it, that our stationery helps to get a bit more control back when control is something a teacher can lose at the blink of an eye – we all know how that feels!

Helpful Customer Service

We’re a small team here at TPTC and if you follow us on social media, you’ll probably be able to put a face to a name when you get in touch. We work hard to provide good customer service that’s really personal, because it’s our mission to help teachers! We have a wide range of products and multiple planners, and we’re always happy to chat with you and help you decide which one would be best for you. This is something we make sure to make time for, as it’s such an important part of what we do.

Joanna got in touch when she was a SCITT trainee as she wasn’t sure which planner would be best for her teacher training, and we’re happy that she found us helpful. Sal’s experience is that we’re always quick to respond, and Jo shares that she got a quick and personal response to her question. If you’re not sure which planner would be most helpful for you, do get in touch!

Good Quality Products

Quality is something that’s so important to us as TPTC. As former teachers ourselves, we know the battering that planners and stationery have to go through, being moved around to different classrooms and between home and school, and lasting all year. We know, because we use them ourselves too! We make choices with this in mind when we design our products, like the choice to use a thick metal spiral binding. We think it looks nice of course, but it serves a real function too!

Lynsey points out how we not only work on our quality, but also make sure that it’s all packaged up nicely too. We want it to arrive in great condition, and we want you to have a great experience opening your package! We’re glad that Vanessa found our products to be such good quality that she used them again the following year, and Cathrine brings her planner everywhere and hasn’t seen any signs of wear and tear!

Community Engagement

From day one, we’ve focused on building a community of teachers and boy do we make use of it! We are genuinely so interested in what you have to say and love hearing your feedback. We learned through a survey that many of you bought our undated planner last year not because it was undated, but because you liked the B5 size. So this year, we made sure to make our dated teacher planner available in B5 as well! Our products are made for you, so every year we take on board all your feedback and aim to keep improving our products so they can meet your needs.

We love that Bec can see that we really care about how teachers use our products and what they find helpful. We’re super happy that Hollie thinks our planners get better each year, as we always take feedback on board and try to improve them whenever it’s time to design the next year’s planner. Aimee is on her 5th planner (amazing!) and she seems impressed that we’re a company the really listens to its customers. When you’ve used our planners 5 years in a row Aimee, you bet we’re going to listen to you!

Looking out for Trainee Teachers

Becoming a teacher can be really daunting, there’s so much to learn in just one year and many trainees look for help when it comes to getting organised throughout the year. The last thing you want is to get bogged down in paperwork when you’ve got so many other things to deal with! So it was really important to us to be a supportive, positive place for trainee teachers as well. Over on our social media we share lots of advice for trainees – we’ve collected it all together onto a Pinterest board here. We have multiple options for trainee teachers now, whether you want a trainee teacher planner or a full planner with our trainee essentials booklet that’s filled with helpful things you’ll need during your teacher training year.

We’re glad that Ellie made use of the observation pages in her trainee teacher planner, as well as the lesson plans and meetings pages, and she used the teaching standards pages regularly for reference. We love that Ani described the trainee planner as a ‘mini textbook of tips’! Rebecca says that her planner saved her, and it sounds like she’s making great use of it – we’re glad it survived the water spillage!
