Thriving in 2024 with my TPTC Habit Tracker

Thriving in 2024 with my TPTC Habit Tracker

Have you noticed that our teacher planners have two full pages dedicated to habit tracking? We're here to walk you through those pages!

If you've not heard the term before, habit tracking if when you pick a few key things that you'd like to develop into daily (or pretty regular) habits. You wouldn't need to track something like brushing your teeth, since you already do that daily and it's already a habit (hopefully!), but if you want to really make sure you're drinking enough water each day, or that you're taking 10 minutes to read a book before bed, these are things you can track here to try and encourage yourself to get into the habit of doing them daily.

First up, one of these pages is fully dedicated to your wellbeing because it is SO IMPORTANT. Let's say it again: your wellbeing is so important! When you're a busy teacher, it is so easy to put everyone and everything first and put yourself last - so many teachers dedicate themselves to their students. Of course, that is brilliant, but as we all know it can really take a toll. And you can only give your best to others if you feel good yourself - you can't pour from an empty cup. We're here to help you fill that cup!

Our wellness page is designed to be a super quick daily check in, and there are a lot of different ways you could represent this visually. If you want to keep things super simple, you could circle a good day and cross out a bad day, and see your good and bad days visually represented. This can be helpful - maybe you'll find that you always have a bad Monday, so then you can look at finding ways to make your Mondays more manageable.

You could take it one step further and use a colour coding system! You could use highlighters or mildliners to show a range of different things - like feeling tired, anxious, or happy. Then each day you could highlight the day in the corresponding colour, depending on how you felt. This is great if you want to track how you're feeling in a little more detail.

As well as our wellbeing tracker, we also have a blank Habit Tracker page for you to fill with three different habits. These will be things that you want to make into daily habits, which could be drinking enough water, taking some time to read, doing a little meditation or yoga, doing your skincare routine, or anything that's important to you!

Of course, you could use these for tracking work-related tasks you want to get done daily, like clearing your inbox (we wish!), or putting away all of that day's resources. Pop a little tick or a coloured dot in the box each day you do your habit, and over the year you'll see a great visual representation of your habits!

What kind of habits do you track in your planner? We'd love to know!
