The Positive Teacher Feature - meet Beth!
Wisconsin special education teacher Beth's positivity and passion just shines through as you'll see below. She is strong believer in collaboration, staying present and building strong relationships with her high school students. She may be based in the USA, but we believe that ALL schools need more teachers like Beth! We salute you Beth: a truly positive teacher!

Name: Beth
High School Special Education Teacher from Wisconsin, USA
Why did you get into teaching?
I first became a paraprofessional and supported students with disabilities. I really found my passion when I began working at the high school level, and went back to school to earn my license and Master's. I truly believe that we are all uniquely suited to work with the student population we are.
What are your top tips for positivity and excitement within your role?
As much as possible I try to stay present and enjoy the current moment. I know that there are seasons within teaching, and that even if I'm going through a rough season, it won't last forever. I focus on building relationships with my students by giving them voice and choice, and building an environment that they feel safe in.
Looking back, what advice would you give your NQT/Trainee self?
I would tell my new teacher self to stop working solo! Collaboration both inside and outside of your department can lead to extraordinary things. I only created more stress by trying to do everything myself and not seeking out collabs.
What's the best thing about being a teacher?
There is great responsibility in being an influential adult in a young person's life. I don't take that lightly.
Would you rather do every single playground duty for a term or ten minutes into the next staff meeting, without warning, start 'twerking' for 10 seconds minimum, without even attempting to justify it afterwards?
Definitely playground duty, and I would work at finding the joy within that time...I would get to know my students better, see who they play with, see who needs some help and guidance in the social world, etc. And I would get to be outside, which is usually a mood lifter. And obviously I'd I have playground duty, the other teachers have lunch room duty 😂
Do you love teaching? If you'd like to nominate yourself or another teacher who you think deserves to be featured, please email us at We'd love to hear from you!