We’re so excited to share our new 24/25 teacher planners! As you know, all of our products are created by teachers, for teachers, and we’re dedicated to really bringing you the most helpful and beautiful products to help you in your teaching life. We’re always listening to feedback and adapting what we offer to make sure it’s the best it can be, so we’re super proud to show you these new teacher planners that we’ve been working hard on. They’re really the ultimate organisational tool for teachers! So let’s get into some of our favourite bits from our 2024/2025 teacher planner…
The covers
Need we say more? The new range has 13 different covers for you to choose from so you can pick a style that suits you.

Back by popular demand! We’ve listened to your feedback and we know that many of you find the groups pages really helpful, so we’ve made sure to include them in our newest teacher planner. Whether you’re sorting out maths sets, table groups, or assigning groups for a trip, you can organise it all here.
Monthly overview
This section has got a double page monthly spread for each month of the school year, all together in one place. This is a great way to provide a quick overview of the entire year as you can quickly flick from month to month. We’ve designed these pages to be dedicated to the monthly calendar without having to fit in other bits and bobs (like habit trackers, they have their own dedicated page!) We did it this way to that we could really maximise the space you have to write in your calendar, so you can fill it up even if your schedule gets super busy. There’s plenty of nice white space to write in – or decorate!
Books I’ve Read
We just love seeing the photos you all share of your books pages, so of course we had to include them again in this planner! Some of you colour these in and make them look beautiful. Whether you fill this with books you’ve read as a class, or books you’ve read on your own, we love hearing about all the books you’ve read and seeing these blank books fill up throughout the year.

Proud Place
We had to include a page like this, so you can flick to it if you’re having a hard day and need a bit of a boost. The Proud Place is the page where you can record things people have said that’s made you feel proud of your work. Whether that’s a colleague, a member of SLT, a parent or a student, if someone lets you know you’ve done a good job, write down what they said here and start a little collection of things to be really proud of. We all have bad days, so it’s great to have a page to go to where you can see evidence of your good work.
Term overview
There’s a whole section for planning your term and your curriculum, and we especially love these term planner pages where you can note down what you’ll be teaching each week in each subject, or with each class. It’s a great way to create an at-a-glance overview of your term’s learning so you can refer back to it and tweak it as needed.

Weekly pages
Of course, you’ll spend most of your time in the weekly pages, which have a vertical layout where you can plan out each day. This is where you bring it all together! You can check your monthly overview and your term plan, so before you even put pen to paper on your weekly page you already have an idea of what that week is going to look like. With all your plans, there’s no need to feel like you’re starting from a blank slate each week (is it just us that feels like that at a certain point in the year?) Each weekly page also has a notes section and a To Do list for those things that don’t need to refer to a specific day.
Meeting notes
We love the meeting notes section as it means you can keep it all in one place. When you have a staff meeting, just grab your planner and all your notes will be somewhere you can find and refer back to later. Bringing your planner to each meeting to take notes also means that you’ll have all the rest of your plans and schedules with you at each meeting in case you need that information too.
Of course, there’s so much more to our teacher planner but these are some of our favourite bits. If you want to take a look at every page you’ll get in your planner, have a look at our youtube video where we flick through the entire thing and show you each page in detail.
To buy your own teacher planner, you can find them here!