If you’re starting your teacher training soon and you want to find out how you can prepare for training, get organised, and stay on track during your study and placements, we’re here to help! We have a whole range of planners, notebooks, journals, and stationery that's perfect for trainee teachers. But what will suit your teacher training course the best? Here’s a guide to our Teacher Training range of products, so you can find the best planners and stationery to help you during your teacher training.
If you want to take a look at all of these teacher training products, you can find them here.

First up: Do you want the Teacher Training Planner, or the Teacher Planner? It all depends on your course. So, if you’re taking a teacher training course through university, whether that’s a PGCE or a Degree, and it will involve a mix of study and different placements, then the teacher training planner is probably the best one for you. It’s an A4 hardback planner in a huge range of different designs, and it includes double page weekly planner pages with area for targets and reflections, everything you’ll need for your training including the ITT framework and a place to log your training targets, and lots of records pages to keep all your notes in one place, like meetings, observations, and records.
However, we know that this may not suit all teacher training courses – for example if your training involves you being in one school for a whole year, like a SCITT course, then you may want to go for the full Teacher Planner, since it has some records that are more relevant to staying with one class for a year, rather than moving through different placements. If this suits you and you don’t want to miss out on the teacher training pages, then take a look at the Teacher Training Essentials Books.
Find our Teacher Training Planners here

Teacher Training Essentials Books
Our Teacher Training Essentials Book is a super helpful, spiral bound booklet with all of the essential pages from our Teacher Training planner, so if you’ve chosen the full teacher planner or the daily planner but still want those helpful training pages, this is perfect for you. It includes the ITT framework so you’ll always have it to hand and you can make notes all over it. It also includes meeting notes which you can use for meetings with your mentor or for school meetings, observation notes (both for the observations you do to learn from others, plus for when you are being observed by others), a proud space to record things you’ve achieved, and a calendar to mark out important dates for your training. They come in four different colours so you can choose the one the best matches your planner design!
Find our Teacher Training Essentials Books here

Reflective Journal
TPTC Founder Rachel says that the thing the regrets about her teacher training is that she didn’t record enough memories and wish she had written more down! So we’ve created the Teacher Training Reflective Journal so you can record all your memories and look back on it in the future to see how far you’ve come. It includes a ‘Dear Future Me’ section where you can set goals – these could be professional goals like the ones you’ll set with your training mentor, but they can also be more personal goals, like staying on top of your work/life balance or keeping a gratitude log.
It also includes a ‘My Firsts’ section, where you can keep memories of lots of different teacher firsts like your first display, school trip, or assembly. There are plenty of other places to record priceless memories, like helpful advice from colleagues, things you’re proud of, or funny things your students have said, plus plenty of space for reflection. It’s such a great way to remember this whirlwind of a year you’ll have!
Find our Teacher Training Reflective Journal here

A4 Notebooks
They aren’t exclusive to trainee teachers as they are helpful for a lot of different people working in school environments, but our A4 Hardback Notebooks could be a great addition to your stationery set during your teacher training. They come in a huge range of designs so you can choose one to match your planner or get a second design if you just couldn’t pick your fave! The notebook is split into four sections for different types of notes: lined notes pages (which are numbered so you can fill out the contents page to easily refer back to them), to do lists, idea spaces with mind maps and dotted pages to plan out new ideas, and a section specifically for taking notes from meetings. This notebook works really well alongside a teacher planner, so you can go into more detail about your plans and lessons.
Find our A4 Hardback Notebooks here

Trainee Teacher Starter Bundle
Our Trainee Teacher starter bundle includes a range of planner pads and accessories that will help you out during your teacher training year. The Support Assistant Pad is a place where you can leave notes for a teaching assistant or someone that will be helping you in the classroom, which is great for communication but also acts as great evidence towards your ITT framework, where you’ll need to show how you utilise support. The Lesson Planning pad is a great way to lay out all your key lesson info which is helpful when you’re getting started and really want to get your head around your lesson, but also great to use to take notes when you’re observing a lesson – plus they also act as great evidence for the ITT framework! It also includes a weekly to do list planner, a mystery mix of praise cards to hand out to your students, and a ‘Teacher in training’ badge that you can wear with pride!
Find our Trainee Teacher Starter Bundle here
We hope this guide has helped you to figure out which of our range will support you best during your teacher training year, but if you have any questions please get in touch and we’d love to help you out! Have a look at our full teacher training range here.