It’s a question that’s on every teacher’s mind…what makes a good classroom display? I need to design this classroom from scratch - where can I get ideas for my display boards? Well, look no further! We’ve got the designs in hand, so all you need to do is choose your fave and get printing…okay, there’s a little more to it than that, so read on to find out how you can create outstanding classroom displays in no time.
(Psst - The pictures featured in this post are of our Polka Classroom Display Pack!)
Plan ahead
Whether you’re moving into a new classroom, or just redecorating your existing one, take a step back and assess the space. Which areas are most visible? Where do you sit down to work? Which areas are the most functional? What are the high traffic areas? Thinking about how you and your students use the space will help you to decide on the best way to display information.
For example, you might want to use the biggest board for your literacy classroom display, but if it sits behind where the children work, then it will be hard for your students to see. Put your subject boards in easy-to-find areas to best support learning with displays. Next, identify your high-traffic areas, like by the door or the sink. What do you want children to see frequently, but not while working? Try an affirmation to give them a boost – we have lots of affirmation posters in our packs! Thinking ahead will help you to decide exactly what you need before printing anything out – saving time and paper!
Pick a theme
It can be tempting to tackle one board at a time, giving each a different theme, colour scheme, and font depending on how you feel in the moment - but mixing too many different styles can be distracting and confusing to look at. By thinking ahead and choosing a theme, your displays will be cohesive and easy on the eye for your students. It’s important your classroom displays support their learning, so making them visually accessible is key.
A great way to fill your room with outstanding display boards is to choose your fonts and colour scheme for the whole room – or to make things a bit simpler, choose one of our classroom display packs and let us do the design work for you! Our packs contain everything you’ll need to decorate your classroom all in the same style, so your classroom will have a nice, cohesive flow while looking stylish (because you have to spend all day in there, too!)

Decide what to display
Okay, you’ve identified where different displays can go in your classroom, and decided on a theme, now it’s time to pin down what exactly you’ll display. You want to have a mix of subject-focused classroom displays to support learning (like a reading display, a maths display, or a science display). You also will probably need an area for organisation and scheduling, like a class notice board, classroom timetable, or classroom calendar. You might also want to have some displays that promote wellbeing, positivity, or emotional regulation, to support your students in their learning and happiness at school.
If it all seems a bit overwhelming, take a breath, because we’ve done some of the hard work for you. Our classroom display packs contain plenty of pre-made elements for your classroom boards – like a multiplication chart and a number line for your maths display. We also have a calendar set showing the months, dates, and days of the week, so you can easily display this on a classroom bulletin board. If you don’t want to start from scratch and make it all yourself (really, who has the time?) start with one of our pre-designed display packs and go from there.
Get organised...
…with labels. Everywhere. Who doesn’t love a label? Labels will help you to stay organised, and will also help your students pitch in and keep things organised, too, by showing them where everything goes. And labels don’t need to be boring – they can match your classroom theme! Whether it’s drawers, magazine files, or cupboards, our pack helps you to label it all.
A classroom organisation idea we love is the teacher toolbox – so we’ve designed labels so you can make your own! They’re an ideal way of storing all the little bits and bobs you need for your classroom that can be annoying to keep tidy. Make sure you customise your labels – write exactly what the container holds (be specific!) and make sure it’s the right size. All of our files are easily editable in PowerPoint so you can make sure they’re the perfect fit for your classroom.

Match your accessories
If you’re like us, when you fall in love with a design you want it everywhere! So our classroom display pack doesn’t just contain resources for classroom displays. It also has PowerPoint slides to match your design, so you can create lessons that look as beautiful as your classroom! There’s also bunting, welcome signs, writing paper, and completely blank labels so everything can be coordinated.
Plus, it has matching stickers that you can customize, so you can hand them out to students, stick them in books, or use them to customise your planner. Did we say planner? Oh yes, if you’ve fallen in love with a design for your classroom displays, you can also grab it as your teacher planner too! And notebooks. And dividers. And washi tape…you get the idea.
Get inspired
Join our Positive Teacher Planner Facebook community, follow us on Instagram, or find us on Twitter to see how real teachers are creating outstanding classroom displays and to find ideas for your own classroom display boards – and remember to grab a picture to show us what you’ve done once you’re finished!
Our classroom display packs are available in a huge range of designs, so there’s something for everyone…and if you find yourself unable to choose between designs, ask our Facebook community to help you decide!