FREE Printable School Display: Positivi-tea Staffroom Wellbeing Display

FREE Printable School Display: Positivi-tea Staffroom Wellbeing Display

As you know here at TPTC we're all about positivity - it's literally in our name! As former teachers ourselves, we're all aware of how important staff wellbeing and morale are to running a great school and making sure everyone feels happy and supported. There are lots of ways to achieve that, big and small, from larger structural measures down to what you've got in your staffroom.

Today we wanted to share with you a display that we use in our own staffroom! We've adapted it so it's ideal for adding a bit of positivity into the staff room at your school, so teachers, teaching assistants, and support staff can all benefit. 

Click here to download the free staff room display pack

Laura from Team TPTC created this beautiful display, inspired by the lovely cup of tea we all look forward to a few times a day. She wanted to find a way to celebrate all of our hard work and achievements by showcasing some of the lovely messages we receive from our community. It gives us all such a boost to see the lovely notes, and sometimes that’s just what you need!

We thought this would be perfect for a school staff room to share some lovely cards and notes from children, parents, and your school community and celebrate all the hard work your staff do. You can even tuck a couple of notes behind the cup of tea for an extra secret boost!

We’ve provided this display as a free printable so you can just download it and pop it up in your school staff room. You’ll be able to download all the assets to print and build your own positive-tea display yourself and fill it with messages and notes from your school community – you could even add one yourself!

Click here to download the free staff room display pack

If you’ve made your own positivi-tea display, we’d love to see! Tag us on Instagram or TikTok, or share it in our Facebook community.
